E-Transfer Round Opened for Punjab Teachers July 2023

E-Transfer Round Opened for Punjab Teachers July 2023

E-Transfer Round Opened for Punjab Teachers July 2023

Opening of E-Transfer Round

Subject: E-Transfer Round for Punjab Teachers

To: All Chief Executive Officers (DEAs) in Punjab

Date: 27th July, 2023


The Competent Authority has approved the commencement of the E-Transfer round for all categories of teachers in Punjab. This transfer process includes various categories such as awaiting posting officers/teachers, promoted teachers, Divorce, Widow, Wedlock, Marriage, Disability, Medical, Mutual, and Open Merit transfers. The transfer process will be conducted through the SIS (School Information System) platform.

Schedule for E-Transfer Round July 2023

Categories of TransferDate of ApplyVerification AppealsDecision on Appeals by Review CommitteeOrders will be issued on
All categories28.07.202307.08.202313.08.202317.08.2023

Instructions for Strict Compliance

  1. All CEOs (DEAs) are responsible for tagging all promoted teachers on SIS before the opening of the E-Transfer round.
  2. The teachers deputed in Election duties must fulfill their assigned duties as per the Election Commission of Pakistan’s guidelines based on their previous place of postings. Non-compliance will result in disciplinary proceedings under PEEDA Act, 2006.
  3. Awaiting posting officers/teachers must apply on SIS for their postings. Failure to comply will result in considering their intervening/awaiting period as leave of kind due instead of pay purposes. They should also keep themselves updated on SIS from the respective officer.
  4. Promoted teachers/officers are directed to choose maximum preferences for the actualization of their promotion on SIS. Failure to do so will result in posting/adjustment against schools with a dire need for teachers.

Sharing the Schedule and Directions

The CEOs (DEAs) are further directed to share the E-Transfer round schedule with all lower formations and across all social media groups to ensure the awareness of teachers about the upcoming process.

Responsible Personnel

  1. Mr. Sajad Qureshi, Joint Director, PITB, Arfa Tower, Lahore.
  2. PS to Minister for Education Punjab, Lahore.
  3. PS to Secretary School Education Punjab, Lahore/South Punjab.
  4. PS to Special Secretary, School Education.

Note: The table above provides an organized overview of the E-Transfer round schedule for Punjab teachers, along with the responsible personnel for effective implementation and compliance.