9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board

9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board
9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board

9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board

9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board

*Computer 9th:*. Define Problem solving & Problem. 2. Use guesses. 3.understanding or analyzing a problem? 4. Divide& Conquer, Guess check & improve, Act it out, Prototype strategies for problem solving. 5. Define Algorithm and Flowchart. 6. What is the purpose of Oval shape/ Terminal shape Diamond symbol in flowchart 7. Input/output symbol of flowchart? 8.Rectangle symbol in flow chart. 9.Draw a flowchart to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature. 10. Draw a flowchart determine whether a given number is odd or even. 11. Role of algorithm in problem solving. 12. Test Data with example. 13.Compare verification and validation. 14. disadvantages of Flowchart? 15. What are advantages and disadvantages of Algorithm. Requirements of flow chart. CHAPER.2 BINARY SYSTEM. MCQ’S 2.1- Page No. 51 Text Book. 1,4,5,6.SHORT QUESTIONS. 1. Convert (69610)10 to Hexadecimal 2. Difference between Volatile and non volatile memory. 3. Difference between Temporary Memory and Permanent Storage 4. What is Number System? 5. Difference between Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal number system. 6. Convert 0B9 (16) into decimal.7.Computer memory &its types. 8.internal& external storage? 9. What is ASCII? 10. Boolean proposition with example. 12.Truth table? 13.AND, OR and NOT Operation. CHAPTER 3: NETWORKS. MCQ’S. 3.1- Page no. 71 Text Book. Q.1,3,5 SHORT QUESTIONS. 1. Describe computer Net Work. 2. INTERNET? 3. What is Client? 4. Server? 5.Network Topology? & its types. 6.Data Communication? &its components. 7.transmitter and receiver (sink) 8.TCP/IP model. 9.Physical layer? 10. Define HTTP and SMTP. 11.Router? 12.advantages and disadvantages of Star topology and bus topology. LQ:IPv4 and IPv6? & Topologies. CHAPTER.4 – DATA AND PRIVACY. MCQ’S 4.1 – Page No.96 Punjab Text Book. Q.1,2,5 1. Give a reason to add CAPTCHA websites. 2. Privacy of Data. 3. Define Piracy. 4. software piracy? 5. Copyright Law? 6.cracking key? 7.computer virus? 8.secret code OR Key? 9.Hacker? 10.Password? 11. Characteristics of good password. 12. Cybercrime& its Activities. 13.Use of cookies? 14.Patent. CHAPTER NO. 5- DESIGNING WEBSITE. MCQ’S 5.1 – Page no. 113 –Text Book. Q. 2, 3, 4 . 1. ordered and unordered list. 2. Hyperlink and anchor? 3. HTML? M.I 4. Hypertext. 5. Types of Lists in HTML. 6.Difference between paired tags and singular tags.7.Text formatting? Bold the text. 8.Tag for adding image? 9.Metadata? 10.Steps to create a HTML page. Table.

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