Registration of “FIR” on Dengue SOP Violations and Larva Detection in Schools

Subject: Urgent Action Required: Registration of “FIR” on Dengue SOP Violations and Larva Detection in Schools

District Education Authority’s Zero-Tolerance Approach to Dengue SOP Violations in Schools

Dear Head Teachers and Owners/Directors/Principals,

Launch of “FIR” Against Schools with Dengue Larva Breeding Sites

I am writing to inform you that the District Education Authority (DEA) is taking a zero-tolerance approach to the violation of dengue SOPs in schools. Dengue is a serious mosquito-borne illness that can be fatal, and preventing its spread is of utmost importance.

Directive from Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi

According to the directions of the Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi, “FIR” will be launched against any school where dengue larva or potential breeding sites are detected. Schools found with dengue larvae on their premises or in the surrounding area will be liable to prosecution.

Heading: Urgent Call for Compliance with Dengue SOPs

I urge you to take this matter very seriously and ensure that your school strictly adheres to all dengue SOPs. The following measures must be implemented:

Dengue Prevention Measures for Schools

No.Dengue SOPs
1Conduct regular inspections of the school premises
for mosquito breeding sites.
2Eliminate standing water on the school grounds.
3Keep gutters and drains clean.
4Properly dispose of waste.
5Educate students and staff about dengue prevention.

Prioritizing Student Safety

I know that you all prioritize the safety of your students, and I am confident that you will take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of dengue in your schools.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Chief Executive Officer
District Education Authority