HEC Introduces Graduate Education Policy 2023


HEC Introduces Graduate Education Policy 2023

1. Relaxed CGPA Conditions and Dynamic Degree Duration Assessment
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has rolled out the Graduate Education Policy, bringing changes to the admission process by easing CGPA conditions and introducing a more dynamic approach to determining the duration of degree completion.

2. Streamlined Approval Process and Facilitating Doctoral Supervisors
In an effort to streamline processes, the HEC policy simplifies the approval process and the requirement of a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for becoming a doctoral supervisor. The policy also emphasizes faculty alignment and compatibility.

3. Comprehensive Guidelines for Academic Excellence
Recognizing the importance of a rigorous and comprehensive approach to degree attainment, the Graduate Education Policy 2023 introduces detailed guidelines for conducting comprehensive examinations, preparing doctoral theses, and interpreting equivalence reports.

4. Promoting Originality and Upholding Ethics in Research
The policy aims to improve academic standards, promote originality, and uphold the dignity and ethics of research and study in higher education institutions. It seeks to foster a culture of academic dignity and ethics while effectively addressing complaints arising during research activities.

5. Emphasizing the Discipline of Doctoral Research
A key aspect of the new policy is the emphasis on the discipline of doctoral research, ensuring a high level of scholarly rigor and dedication in research pursuits.

6. Defining Roles and Responsibilities in Advanced Studies and Research
The policy outlines clear roles and responsibilities for supervisors, supervisees, and departments overseeing advanced studies and research, fostering a more structured and supportive academic environment.

By implementing these guidelines, the HEC aims to strengthen academic excellence and foster a culture of integrity and ethics in higher education institutions.