How to Trace Mobile Number in Pakistan with Name 2023

How to Trace Mobile Number in Pakistan with Name 2023

How to Trace Mobile Number in Pakistan with Name 2023


It can be frustrating when you receive a call from an unknown number, especially if the caller is being aggressive or threatening. In some cases, you may need to trace the mobile number to identify the caller and take action.

In Pakistan, there are a few ways to trace a mobile number with the name of the owner. In this article, we will discuss two methods that you can use.

Method 1: Use a reverse phone number lookup service

There are a number of reverse phone number lookup services available online. These services allow you to enter a mobile number and get information about the owner, such as their name, address, and other contact details.

To use a reverse phone number lookup service, simply go to the website of the service and enter the mobile number that you want to trace. The service will then search its database of mobile numbers and provide you with the information that it has on the owner of the number.

Some of the most popular reverse phone number lookup services in Pakistan include:

  • Truecaller
  • PTA

Method 2: Ask your cell phone carrier for help

If you are a subscriber of a cell phone carrier in Pakistan, you can also ask your carrier for help in tracing a mobile number. Your carrier will be able to access their records and provide you with the information that they have on the owner of the number.

To ask your carrier for help, simply contact their customer support department and provide them with the mobile number that you want to trace. The customer support representative will then be able to look up the number and provide you with the information that they have on the owner.


These are two of the most effective ways to trace a mobile number in Pakistan with the name of the owner. If you need to trace a mobile number, you can try using either of these methods.

Tips for tracing a mobile number

Here are a few tips for tracing a mobile number in Pakistan:

  • Make sure that you have the correct mobile number. If you enter the wrong number, you will not be able to trace it.
  • Try using different reverse phone number lookup services. Not all services have the same database of mobile numbers, so you may have more success using a different service.
  • If you are a subscriber of a cell phone carrier, ask them for help. They will be able to access their records and provide you with the information that they have on the owner of the number.


Please note that it is illegal to trace a mobile number without the consent of the owner. If you are tracing a mobile number for legitimate purposes, such as to identify a caller who is harassing you, then you should be fine. However, if you are tracing a mobile number for malicious purposes, such as to stalk someone, then you could face legal consequences.