2nd year chemistry Guess Paper 2023 pdf Punjab Board
2nd year chemistry guess paper – Important Questions chapterwise
Below is the detailed guess paper pf chemistry class 12 which include all chapter important quesions 2023
Chapter 1
Important short questions
- Why metals are good conductors?
- Define hydration energy with examples.
- Diamond is a non-conductor but graphite is good conductor. Why?
- Ionization energy increases from left to right in a period. Justify.
- How does hydrogen resemble with group IV-A elements.
- Why oxidation number of noble gases is usually zero?
- What is electron affinity? Give its trend in periodic table.
- Justify the position of hydrogen at the top of group VII-A elements.
- Give reasons that hydration energy of Al3+ ions more than Mg2+ ion?
- Give differences of lithium from its own family members.
- Why the size of an anion is always greater than its parent atom?
- Name various classes of hydrides.
- Why metallic character increases from top to bottom in a group of metals?
- Alkali metals give ionic hydrides. Why?
- Give four uses of nitric acid.
Important long questions
- Give trends of metallic character in groups and periods and discuss the impact of atomic size on it.
- Explain the term periodic table and discuss the improvements made in Mendeleeve’s periodic table.
- What are hydrides? Discuss their classification and properties.
Chapter 2
Important short questions
- How does hydrogen resemble with alkali metals?
- Write formula of borax and Chile saltpetre.
- Give formula of natron and halite.
- How will you distinguish between ethanol and propanol.
- Give two similar properties of lithium and magnesium.
- Write chemical formula of Beryl and Barite.
- What are two major problems faced during the working of diaphragm cell?
- Why Down’s cell is preferable method for the preparation of sodium on large scale?
- Give formula of (i). Dolomite (ii.) Asbestos
- What reaction occur when (i). Lithium carbonate is heated (ii). Sodium bicarbonate is heated
Important long questions
- Discuss the preparation of sodium hydroxide on commercial scale by diaphragm cell or Nelson’s cell.
- Describe the process of sodium metal manufacturing by Down’s cell.
- Complete and balance the following equations
i. Li2O + H2O ii. Na2O + H2O iii. Mg + (OH)2 iv. NaNO3
Chapter 3
Important short questions
- Write four uses of Borax.
- What is borax bread test?
- How is Borax used an water softening agent?
- Why are borate glazes preferred over silicate glazes?
- Give any four uses of aluminium in our daily life.
- Give two similarities between carbon and silicate.
- Give reaction of P2O5 with cold and hot water
- The aqueous solution of borax is alkaline. Give reason.
- What is carbonization?
- Explain the structure of CO2.
- Write two uses of sodium silicate. (2)
- How borax can be prepared from colemanite? Give equation
- Write names and formulas of oxyacids of nitrogen.
Important long questions
- Write a note on aluminum silicate.
- Write a method for preparation of water glass. Also, write uses of water glass.
- How will you convert boric acid into borax and vice versa.
Chapter 6
Important short questions
- All exercise short questions.
Important long questions
- Write a note : i) Binding energy ii) Paramagnetism.
- Explain the following properties for transition element. I) Paramagnetic ii) Colour
Chapter 7
Important Short Questions
- What is meant by organic chemistry?
- What are homocyclic and heterocyclic compounds? Give examples.
- Why is ethene an important industrial element?
- Define isomers. Write the names of its four types.
- What is meant by a functional group? Name typical functional groups containing oxygen.
- Define thermal cracking and steam cracking.
- What is meant by catenation? Give examples.
- What is meant by cis-trans isomerism?
- Define tautomerism and give example.
- Define alicyclic and aromatic compounds.
- What is petroleum? Give its origin.
- Why is ethene an important industrial chemical?
- What is coal tar? Give its fractions.
- How will you define octane number? How it can be improved?
- What is iodized salt?
- Write the structural formula of two possible isomers of C4H10.
- Describe important sources of organic compounds.
- What is catalytic cracking?
Important long questions
- What is orbital hybridization? Explain , , and mode of hybridization
- Describe the important sources of organic compounds.
- Define Isomerism. Explain its types.
- 2. Write down the process of cracking of petroleum.
Chapter 8
Important short questions
- How do you distinguish between ethane and ethyne?.
- Why the π bond is more reactive than ϭ bond?
- Convert 1-butene to 1-butyne.
- Give fours uses of methane.
- Synthesize i.benzene ii. Oxalic acid from ethyne.
- Convert ethene into ethylalcohol?
- What is Markonikov’s rule?
- Write a note on acidity of ethene?
- Convert methane into formic acid.
- What is Raney-Nickel? Give its uses.
- Alkanes are less reactive than alkenes. Comment.
- Convert ethyne into acetaldehyde.
- How cis and trans alkenes are produced? Give reactions.
- Convert ethene into ethylalcohol?
- What is hydrogenolysis?
- What is Baeyer’s Test? Give its uses
Important Long questions
- Describe with examples the acidic nature of alkynes?
- Give comparison of reactivity of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
- Prepare Ethane from Kolbe’s Electrolytic method. Write down it mechanism.
- Give the chemical reactions of ethene with:
(i) O2 in the presence of Ag2O (ii) Conc. H2SO4 (iii) S2Cl2 (iv) HOCl.
Chapter 9
Important short questions
- Briefly describe x-ray studies of benzene structure.
- Define electrophile. Give two examples.
- Give reaction of benzene with ozone.(ozonolysis)
- How benzene is converted into maleic acid by catalytic oxidation?
- What are aromatic compounds?
- Why benzene is less reactive than alkene?
- What is Wurts Fitting reaction? Give its importance.
- Give two oxidation reactions of benzene.
- What are fused rings aromatic compounds?
- Give reaction of benzene with SO3.
- Prepare benzene from i. n-Hexane ii. Sodium benzoate
- Give the mechanism of nitration of Benzene.
- Give reactivity of benzene towards electrophiles.
- Show Benzene’s cyclic structure with diagram.
- Define aromatization.
Important long questions
- Convert Benzene into:
i) Cyclohexane ii) Maleic acid iii) Glyoxal iv) Benzene sulphonic acid
- What are Friedel-Crafts reactions? Explain mechanism of alkylation and acylation of benzene
- Write any four chemical methods for the preparation of benzene.
- Give reactions of benzene with respect to (i) nitration (ii) sulphonation
Chapter 10
Important Short Questions
- Prepare (i) ethyl bio alcohol (ii) ethyl acetate from ethyl bromide.
- What are primary, secondary and tertiary alkyl halides? Give example of each.
- Explain Markownikov’s rule with suitable example.
- Starting from C2H4Br how will you prepare ethane and ethene?
- Explain the following reaction: CH4 CH3CH2COOH.
- How do you compare SN1 and SN2 mechanism?
- How do we get alkyl nitriles from Grignard’s reagent?
https://chat.whatsapp.com/J6w7sHWRHiaAO71N1DqJ2i - What are elimination reactions? Give an example of E1 reaction.
- What is Grignard reagent?
- What are Alkyl halides? Give their general formula.
- What are types of nucleophilic substitution reaction?
- Convert ethyl alcohol into their respective halides by using PCl3 and PI5
- What is Wurtz synthesis?
- What is Grignard reagent?
Important Long Questions
2nd Year Chemistry Guess Papers 2023 All Punjab Board
- Describe SN2 reaction of alkyl halides with details.
- Explain the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reaction.
- Describe β elimination reaction E2 with example.
- How the presence of double bond can be detected by using Baeyre’s reagent?
Chapter 11
Important short questions
- Convert methanol into ethanol
- Differentiate between primary and secondary alcohols.
- Write structural formula of a)carbolic acid b)glycerol
- What are rectified spirit, commercial alcohol and absolute alcohol?
- Why water has higher boiling point than ethanol?
- Convert methanol into ethanol and acetone into ethyle alcohol.
- What is Lucas test?
- Give the uses of ethyle alcohols and methyl alcohols.
- Ethyl alcohol is liquid while methyl chloride is a gas. Why?
- Write the names and formulas of two polyhydric alcohols.
- Define fermentation. Give its conditions.
- Absolute alcohols cannot be prepared by fermentation. Why?
- What is wood-spirit? How is it prepared from water gas?
- Write equation for the reaction of C2H5OH with PBr3, PCI5
Important Long Questions
- How alcohols are prepared? Give their properties and uses.
- What is either? Give its reactions.
- Explain the following properties with reference to phenol: i) Esterification ii)sulphonation
Chapter 12
Skip this chapter
Chapter 13
Important Short questions
- What are peptides and peptide linkage?
- What is ninhydrin test?
- What are aromatic carboxylic acids?
- Give the mechanism for the esterification of the carboxylic acids.
- What are essential and non-essential amino acids?
- Name five dicarboxylic acids and give their formulas.
- What is strecker’s synthesis?
- Give four uses of nitric acid.
- How carboxylic acid is converted into a-amino acids?
- Give four uses of acetic acid.
- How ethanol is converted into acetic acid and vice versa?
- Define proteins? How do they differ from polypeptides?
- What are fatty acids? Give examples.
- What are Zwitter ions? Give equation.
- How will you prepare acetic acid from ethynes?
Chapter 14
- Define carbohydrates. Classify them and give example of each.
- What do you mean by rancidity of fats and oils?
- Define the following: i. proteins ii. Lipids iii. polymers
- How is polystyrene prepared? Give its two uses.
- Give the structure of cholesterol.
- Write down uses of proteins.
- What is saponification number and iodine number?
- What are fatty acids? Give examples.
- How polymers are classified on the basis of heat effect?
Chapter 15+16
Download 2nd year chemistry Guess Paper 2023 pdf Punjab Board -12th class guess paper 2023 2024
- What reaction takes place in decomposition zone during manufacturing of cement?
- Which type of woody raw material is used in paper industry?
- Write two woody and two non woody raw material for paper pulp manufacture.
- What are macro nutrients?
- What is role of chlorofluorocarbons in destroying ozone?
- How do you compare SN1 and SN2 mechanism?
- What is need for fertilizers?
- What do you mean by prilling of urea?
- What are some commonly used bleaching agents in paper manufacture?
- Define clinker? How is it used in manufacturing of Cement.
- What is meant by setting of cement?
- What is the role of phosphorus in growth of plants?
- Give the role/importance of potassium in the growth of plants.
- Write names of steps in paper making process.
11th ,12th all subjects guess papers punjab Board 2023 pdf download
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