2nd Year Statistics Guess Paper 2023
2nd Year Statistics Guess Paper 2023
Intermediate part II Statistics Guess Paper 2023
12th Class Statistics Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board | 2024
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12th Class Statistics Guess Paper 2023 All Punjab Board |2024
12th Class | 2nd Year Guess Papers 2023 All Punjab Board
Short Answers
- Define the normal frequency distribution.
- Write the probability density function of standard normal distribution.
- Define the point of inflection in a normal distribute.
- Find the ordinate of the standard normal curve at z = -0.84
- Define interval estimation.
- Define statistical hypothesis.
- Differentiate between estimator and estimate.
- What are the assumptions of student’s t-Statistic?
- Define multiple bar diagram.
- Define class-interval.
- Define level of significance.
Long Answers
- What is Population?
- What is non –sampling error?
- Distinguish between finite and infinite population.
- Explain the term regression coefficient.
- Write any two reasons of average calculation.
- Enlist any two uses of index number.
- Write the relationship between regression coefficient and correlation coefficient.
- What is curve fitting?
- What is probability?
- Define subset.
- Write down any two advantages of sampling.
- Define scatter diagram.
Short Answers
- Define the term Dichotomy for attributes.
- What is positive and negative association?
- What is ultimate class frequency?
- Describe the seasonal variation.
- Explain the term secular trend.
- Discuss term noise.
- Define independence of attributes.
- Enlist the different methods of measuring secular trend.
- Write down two properties of least square line.
Long Answers
- If 3 coins are tossed, construct the sample space and find the probability of 3 heads?
- A population consist of 6, 9, 15, and 18. Take all possible samples of size 3 without replacement. Find mean and variance of the sampling distribution of mean.
- Draw all possible samples of size 2 at random with replacement from the population 2,3,4,5. Find proportion of odd numbers in the samples. Find mean and standard deviationof the sampling distribution of sample proportion.
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