1st Year Biology Guess Papers 2023 Punjab Board PDF Download
1st Year Biology Guess Papers 2023 Punjab Board PDF Download
1st Year Biology Guess Paper 2023 | Punjab Boards
1st Year Biology Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Boards
11th Class Biology Guess paper 2023 Punjab Board | 2024
1st year biology guess 2023 pdf download
11th Class Biology Guess Papers 2023 2024
1st Year Biology Guess Papers 2023 Punjab Board | 2024
1st Year Biology Guess Papers 2023 Punjab Board PDF Download
Guess….Biology 1st year
Short questions,
Define Life, ,,,,, define biotechnology,….. define bioelements,,,,
Differntiate b/w micro and macro molecules.define Biome,,,
Phyletic lineage,.. diference b/w deductive and inductive reasoning,,,, define biological control…. define clone,,
Ch#2… what is heat capacity ,, structural formula of ribose and glucose,,, difference b/w mono and oligo saccrides, define amino acide and peptide bond,,,diference b/w fibrous and globular proteins,, defne conjugated molecules
Ch#3,, dfrence b/w prosthetic and coenzyme,, feed back mechanism,,,effect of substrate conc on rate orpf reaction,,
Diference b/w reversible and irreversible inhibitors,.
Difernce b/w competitive and non competitve inhibtors,,
Ch#4 work of rudolph and robert hook,,,. Magnification and resolution,, cell fractionation,, cell theory,,, diference primary and scondry wall,,,,, define cisternae and cristae,,.. difernce SER and RER,,,, dfne polysome,, difernce b4w forming and maturing face of golgi,, dfne storage disease and example,,, difernc b/w primary and secondary lysosome,,, difernce b/w chromoplasts and leukoplasts.. what is mjrien and sacculus,,,
Ch#5,,,define binomial nomenclature and its rules,,5 kingdom propsed by whittaker based on?,, work of magulis and shwrtz..
CAPSID AND capsomeres,, difernce b/w lytic and lysogenic cycle,, dfne prophage and induction,, what is reverse transcriptase,, HIV is host specific ,, how? Types of flagella,, dfrnce b/w slime and capsule,, didrnce b/w spores and cysts,,
Difernce b/w cysts and spores,,difrnce b/w photosynthesis and chemksynthesis.. difrnce b/w lag and log phase,, what are chemotherapeutic agents,, define immunization and vaccination,, economic importance of cyanobacteria,, dfine heterocysts, hormogonia and akinites,,
Ch#8,. Nuclear mitosis,,,, septate and non septate hyphae,,, what are houstoria ,, define mychorizhae and lichens,, dfne bioindicators.. adaptations of fungi,, define parasexuality.. dfne histoplasmosis and aflatoxins,,
Ch#9 alternation of generation,, bryophytes adaptations,, defne paraphysis and protonema.. anthoceropsida are advanced than other bryophytes why.?… tracheophyta features,, dfrnde micro and megaphyll,,, dfne planationa and webbing,,dfne reticulate vernation and circinate vernation,, what is capsule and annulus plus stomium,, homo and heterospory,, dfrnce b/w gymnospermae and angospermae,, what is double fertilization.
Dfrnce b/w mono and dicot.. economic importance of rosacae, fabacae and Bumbusa,,
Ch#10..difernce b/w
Radial and bilateral symmetry. Coelomate and acoelomate,
Dilplo and triploblastic animals,.. protostomes and deuterostomes.. spiral determinate and radial indeterminate..
Harmaphrodite and protanderous.cnidocytes and nematocyst. Sac like and tube like cavity.. polyp and meduasae..
Infestation and disinfestatiin,neohridia and flame cell
Polymorphism.. ecdysis or shedding,, harmful and beneficial insects,. Borrowing activity of earthworm. Dfne neohridia and flame cell ,, otia and osculm ,.. coral reefs.. adaptation parasitic mode of life,, dfne hemichordata and chor data,,. Mamals and its classes. Imporatnce of coral reef and chitin in arthropoda
From lndslos.com.
1st Year Biology Guess Papers 2023 Punjab Board PDF Download
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